Delan Azabani

Jekyll 1.4.3 is broken on Windows

 81 words 0 min  attic jekyll

Just a heads up: Jekyll released version 1.4.3 a few days ago, and it is completely broken on Windows — not even standard site builds will work. Make sure you force gem to install version 1.4.2 until the bug is fixed.

If you see this when building a site:

C:\Users\delan\Documents\GitHub\>jekyll serve -w
Configuration file: C:/Users/delan/Documents/GitHub/
            Source: C:/Users/delan/Documents/GitHub/
       Destination: C:/Users/delan/Documents/GitHub/
      Generating... error: Invalid argument - C:/Users/delan/Documents/GitHub/de Use --trace to view backtrace

Do this:

gem uninstall jekyll
gem install jekyll --version "=1.4.2"